Artist: Marzian
Album: Trascendiendo
Remixes: Timothy Clerkin, Rigopolar, Olsvangèr
Label: Playground Records
Art: Vic Zeta
Mastering: Rich Lane from Cotton Bud
Catalogue: PGR023
Release date: 25/06/2019
The young Argentine producer Marzian launches his second reference in Playground Records with a production that makes it clear that he is a talent not to lose sight of and in constant musical growth.
The Ep begins with Sagrado a hypnotic and intense trip in an electronic mantra that seems to call herds of wild animals in the distance. As a sacred song calls us to an ancestral unit of beings through sound.
Crucial takes the rhythm with a circular arpeggio in staccato that becomes percussive and rhythmic, a coiled severe modulation bursts breaking the tranquility and rising intensity to then descend stealthily, melting into underwater modulations that enchant as soft siren songs.
Renacido undertakes a vigorous walk through shifting lands, an atmosphere of amazing mystery and smooth landscapes of long horizons. While the rhythm of a bass in son and percussion take us to a constant pace. Modulations of slow and expansive entrances music the passage of billowing clouds through an unexpectedly cryptic sky.
Descenso closes the Ep with a climate of dark mystery towards depths of caves with precious minerals, full of images of the subconscious. Slow but acidic modulations are mixed with notes of sitars and percussive sounds of dry cavities, to give way to a ritual of tribal voices. A shamanic journey across the Nahual.
English Timothy Clerkin remixes Sagrado putting it in the middle of the dance floor. With raver energy it takes the original spirit to take it to acidic modulations that are triggered opening resonances, to take flight, to make the heads move in frantic dance.
Rigopolar joins us from Mexico to make a reversion of Crucial. He respects the original style but changing its modulations towards more low and dense ones. A slow step by step advance carried by the modulation in staccato that takes strong step with a dirty and scratchy snare for, after passing sound turbulence, descend smoothly in a perfect landing.
The remix of Descenso arrives from Tel Aviv from the hand of Olsvangèr. Filled with crisp textures and sounds, the original is brought to an area of industrial sonorities and idm. Apocalyptic and sordid but of irresistible cadence leads to an awake listening and eager of changes and risky roads.
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* Available on iTunes & Spotify